Glowing Skin Kit

Glowing skin kit

80.00 USD

the best natural regimen for breakouts, acne, oily skin and enlarged pores with four ancient ingredients


Rose Water, Prickly Pear Cactus Seed Powder, Pomegranate Seed Oil - fresh, naturally potent & preservative-free

80.00 USD
Give your skin that Katari glow - along with the tantalizing, delicious smell of our natural, free-radical fighting pomegranate oil, the strong antioxidant properties naturally balance skin pH and repair environmental damage; couple with Roseau 100% pure rose water toner and exfoliating and collagen boosting Barie powder and that youthful, radiant, clear skin will awaken the glow within!

Enjoy the decadent beauty staples packed with free-radical fighting, collagen-boosting, and skin toning properties!

When You Need This Kit?

when your skin is dull & needs more glow

when your pores are enlarged and skin texture is uneven

when your skin needs to look fabulous when you travel

Daily Regimen with Glowing Skin Kit

To take the best advantage of the benefits of any natural or botanical ingredients, it is important to use them correctly, taking it slow, and allowing ingredients to do their work. We have made a little simple step-by-step clear skin ritual that you can follow in the morning and in the evening.

You can start with one, two, or all products in the collection, and as you explore each, you will decide how to best incorporate them into your personal ritual that works for YOU. Be patient and enjoy the decadent natural ingredients of the Mediterranean ancient beauty staples.

Glowing Skin Routine

Tone & Refresh with Roseau

Every morning after shower, apply some Roseau (rose water) toner to your skin and immediately after, while skin is still slightly wet, add a few drops of Hoba Oil. Massage the oil into the clean skin. Use your fingertips and either lightly 'raindrop' the oil or massage in circular motion from bottom of the face up (do not pull skin down). 

Roseau is also perfect to spray in your hair for a light mist of delicate and gentle fragrance. It soothes skin and scalp and help rebalance it, which also helps to alleviate dryness.

Hoba also makes a great hair conditioner - add a drop to your favorite conditioner or simply add to your hair (for gents, to beard or mustache) and let it steam for a few minutes in the shower. You will amazed how soft and wonderful you hair will feel.

Protect & De-Age with Granate Oil

Pomegranate (Granate) Oil can be used in the morning and at night. We prefer to use it in the morning, as a light protective oil against the elements before you head out for the day.

Best way to apply Granate is to lightly massage it into your skin after shower on warm and slightly wet skin. You also apply Granate after spraying your skin with fragrant Roseau (rose water) toner or Geran (geranium) hydrating mist.

You can absolutely use Granate as your daily moisturizer. And you can add a little bit of Granate to your hair after you wash them to add a little bit of shine and some protection from UV.

Renew and Refresh with Barie Powder

Barie Powder is a little tricky to use by itself, as it has clumpy and somewhat oily consistency. This is why it is a great add-on to a green clay (Argil) masque. Or you can use it as an exfoliant with Granate Oil or another light or carrier oil.

Wet your face before you start mixing ingredients - it will be helpful when your hands become a temporary mixing bowl. Then take a pinch of Barie Powder and add a couple of drops of oil to your palm. Mix the two ingredients together and apply to your skin. Exfoliate with circular movements for a couple of minutes. Do not overexfoliate!

We prefer to do this in the shower, as skin is wet, warm and it feels amazing. Rinse and add more Roseau and Granate to seal the moisture.

3 ingredients for toned & glowing skin

  • Roseau (rose) Water - pure, first distillation rose water (hydrosol) to use DAILY to balance skin pH, tone pores and slightly lift and smooth skin while hydrating and keeping skin from redness, rosacea and inflammation - 1 fl oz / 30 ml

  • Barie Powder - Prickly Pear Cactus Seed powder left from cold-pressing of our collagen-boosting super oil, Barie. It works as a collagen-boosting rich exfoliant to get rid of dead skin cells and add healthy glow - 1 oz / 30 g

  • Granate Oil - pure cold-pressed Pomegranate Seed Oil. The tantalizing, delicious smell of our natural, free-radical fighting pomegranate seed oil and its strong antioxidant properties naturally balance skin pH and Vitamin C repairs environmental damage - 0.5 fl oz / 15 ml

Using the Kit

Watch this video and learn how to use each product in the kit to maintain glowing and toned skin naturally.

Tips & Tricks

Do not overexfoliate. Barie Powder is amazing but if you recently (within a week) had any exfoliating treatments or procedures that might have irritated your skin, stick to the gentle rose water and may we suggest, a very gentle daily moisturizer, like Katari Hoba Oil.

Rose water and Granate Oil can be used daily in the morning and in the evening. You do not have to always use Granate Oil. You can use it in the morning after Rose toner and at night switch to a heavier elixir for your skin to renew - like Katari Rosehip Oil or Katari Barie Oil.

Keep your routine consistent and use the daily basics that are pH-neutral or pH-balanced for your routine. For some of the heavier anti-aging ingredients, you might want to switch them around every 6 months or so. This way your skin does not get used to the same ingredient.

Customer Reviews

While we wait for reviews for this kit, here is what our customers think about some of the products inside the Glowing Skin Kit:

  • balanced skin pH

  • improved skin texture

  • calmed skin redness

  • tightened pores

  • locked moisture

  • improved oily skin

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