The first time I purchased this I was apprehensive because I normally don't like the scent of rose. BUT...I was pleasantly surprised. It is not a rosy rose smell but a light very pleasing florally rose scent. I recently smelled an heirloom rose and that is what it kind of reminds me of just light and pleasant.
I use this after the Roseau Toner or their Gerán Toner. It has improved the redness on my face and my face is so soft now as apposed to rough and scaly in some spots. Really interesting, I had a new freckle next to my eye that was quite dark and it is getting lighter. I am not sure which Katari product is responsible because I use several a day but it is pretty amazing how much it has lightened up.
I will keep purchasing Katari Beauty as long as they make it! If you have not tried them, please do, you will not be disappointed and will probably be in LOVE!