
Enrapt Boutique & Spa | Paris, Ontario
Find Katari products and local clean beauty expertise in this beautiful organic and natural beauty boutique and spa and meet Rikki, who makes clean beauty so beautiful! Follow: @enraptboutiquespaWebsite: www.enraptboutiquespa.comPhone:...
Enrapt Boutique & Spa | Paris, Ontario
Find Katari products and local clean beauty expertise in this beautiful organic and natural beauty boutique and spa and meet Rikki, who makes clean beauty so beautiful! Follow: @enraptboutiquespaWebsite: www.enraptboutiquespa.comPhone:...

My Beautique, Inc. | Woodbridge, Ontario
Find clean sustianable beauty products from Katari and enjoy treatments from a clean beauty expert and owner, Melissa Piazza. Website: www.mybeautiqueinc.comFollow: @mybeautiqueincPhone: 416.399.6388Email: info@mybeautiqueinc.comAddress: 185 Trowers Rd Unit 3Woodbridge, OntarioL4L 5Z5
My Beautique, Inc. | Woodbridge, Ontario
Find clean sustianable beauty products from Katari and enjoy treatments from a clean beauty expert and owner, Melissa Piazza. Website: www.mybeautiqueinc.comFollow: @mybeautiqueincPhone: 416.399.6388Email: info@mybeautiqueinc.comAddress: 185 Trowers Rd Unit 3Woodbridge, OntarioL4L 5Z5

JMarie Skin Studio in Longmont - Med Spa and Na...
I meant only to participate in what Jessica was doing, trying to do a tiniest little thing to help out with the enormous effort a lot of other people (just...
JMarie Skin Studio in Longmont - Med Spa and Na...
I meant only to participate in what Jessica was doing, trying to do a tiniest little thing to help out with the enormous effort a lot of other people (just...

Full Circle Salon & Spa - a Wheat Ridge Colorad...
When you choose a place to go for a spa treatment or a great new hair style maybe the look gets in you in first. But it is the people...
Full Circle Salon & Spa - a Wheat Ridge Colorad...
When you choose a place to go for a spa treatment or a great new hair style maybe the look gets in you in first. But it is the people...

Brows on Upper 15 Denver - Brow Shaping Salon
Michelle and I met through a mutual friend. Me being recommended to Michelle by one of my girlfriends and Michelle being skeptical about a 'great' skincare product line. Fast-forward almost...
Brows on Upper 15 Denver - Brow Shaping Salon
Michelle and I met through a mutual friend. Me being recommended to Michelle by one of my girlfriends and Michelle being skeptical about a 'great' skincare product line. Fast-forward almost...