Newborn Care Head to Toe
How often can you pull something out of your makeup bag and put on your brand new little human? I did not even know it was possible. When we brought little Vivienne home from the hospital, she has been already using Hoba (jojoba plant wax or jojoba oil) on her skin.
Not a single diaper rash, no redness, no dry flaky skin, no cradle cap, no irritation or way too much oil to deal with staining clothes.
The reason Hoba is a perfect treatment for any skin type is because it has a very unique chemical composition, which is similar to the natural oils in our skin. This is why skin does not recognize Hoba as a foreign substance. Hoba is naturally pH-neutral and hypoallergenic and it does not clog pores. This is a perfect oil for baby skin. Or any skin....